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This page is dedicated to images and all things relating to the art of collage.

The word "collage" comes from the french word for “pasting”, the artistic technique of applying manufactured, printed, or “found” materials, such as bits of newspaper, fabric, wallpaper, etc to a surface or canvas. The possibilities are endless, collages have been made a variety of unusual materials such as  human hair, elephant dung and plastic bags!

Famous artists such as Picasso and Matisse experimented with collage using a mixture of different coloured and shaped papers. More contemporary artists such as Hannah Hoch, Richard Hamilton and Nancy Spero use photomontage collaging to transform photos into visually striking art work.

Arts on Wheels facilitate activities that use collage as it is an accessible art making technique that always produces dynamic and eye catching results.

The beauty of collage is in its ability to be adaptable, tactile and transforming.

Please check out some examples by past project participants, artists in prisons under the Koestler award and Rachel Shore


check out these links for further inspiration


Collage and photography project and exhibition with Rachel Shore, Shari Denson and service users at Manchester Action on Street Health

organisation supporting artists in prisons 




Button Collage by Koestler artist

Nina`s eyes by Rachel Shore

Nina Eyes by Rachel Shore

Andrew at Back on Track

Photomontage created by Andrew at Back on Track Manchester

mixed media collage

created by Nathan Sassen for Street Stories project


Icarus by Rachel Shore

no 10

photo montage by Amanda for Trashformations

collage self portrait

Self Portrait by Rachel Shore

Koestler collage

mixed media collage by a Koestler artist

Picasso inspired collage

example created for collage activity in art lesson by Rachel Shore

whispers in a shell

mixed media visual poem collage by Rachel Shore

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